Title: Desire is a thorn you can't snuff out

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Is bliss, then, such concupiscence as this.
A savage lust for naught but a moment
A lone, solitary pleasure - dismissed,
By all, but you, my one true opponent


The bliss of the moment, to the ephemera.

I have touched the heaven of bliss.

And sighs, and laughter, in equal bliss.

And, as the worm in whom bliss grows, he too.

Is bliss, then, such concupiscence as this.

None of the above

A taste, a sight, so ephemeral,

Is nought, then, of bliss, such concupiscence as this.

A teeming feast of naught but pure ecstasy.

A savage lust for naught but a moment

I sat, as a man doth sit who loves,

None of the above

Of a lone, solitary pleasure

Of a tyrant's lust for power

And a symphony of cries

I slid my fingers through your hair

A wild fling of the flesh for a naive sex

None of the above

As a sham, by the elitist - and he

By an avalanche of a societal sham.

In a world of sanity, - resigned.

As a flimsy, naive notion;

With a lone, solitary dismay

None of the above

And snatched by the opponent.

Then we heard the cry of the opponent.

In the eyes of the opponent.

And then, the sly opponent.

And now we see our great opponent.

None of the above

As a fleeting, ephemeral - snuffed out.

As a lone, solitary pain - dismissed.

I sat in a lonesome room,

By the snares of society's repression.

By all, but you.

None of the above

Desire is a dangerous game.

Desire is a great enticement.

Desire is a thorn you can't snuff out.

Desire is a snare.

Desire is a thorn in the side of those who have it.

None of the above