Title: Foe or Friend
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Hold him a while.
Tell him you need a friend.
Our relationship is a tangle of weeds.
But I'll embrace him until the end.
You know me like a friend,
I love you like a foe.
Hold him a while.
Tell him you need a friend.
Our relationship is a tangle of weeds.
But I'll embrace him until the end.
You know me like a friend,
I love you like a foe.
Hold him a while.
Tell him you need a friend.
Our relationship is a tangle of weeds.
But I'll embrace him until the end.
You know me like a friend,
I love you like a foe.
Hold him a while.
Our relationship is a tangle of weeds.
You know me like a friend,
Hold him a while.
Hold, i say, the highth of all creation.
Hold, by your free will, the power to do it.
Hold him, lord, for i would have his soul.
Hold, i say, the scepter which he gave.
None of the above
Our relationship is a sham.
Our relationship is a tangled web.
Our relationship is a joke.
Our relationship is a web.
Our relationship is a tangle of weeds.
None of the above
Friendship, like a symphony, flows like music
Friendship, it’s like a drug
Friendship is like a teepee.
Friendship, it was like a fling
Friendship is like a tree,
None of the above
I knew it was a sign
Know like a gypsy,
I know you like a friend
You know me like a friend,
You know like a second skin
None of the above