Title: Just enough

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Growing up poor you have to be tough.
What some would call nothing, you call enough.
You don't think twice when you drop food on the floor.
You wipe the dirt and count to four, because you don't have any more.


Poverty is an eyeglass, i contend, and should.

Poverty is an eyeglass, i contend.

None of the above

You have to learn to work for what you want.

You have to learn to fight with everything you have.

You have to be determined.

You don't have much to lose but if you can

I had to be tough so I could get by.

None of the above

Poverty is a burden.

Poverty is a shack.

Poverty is a shackles.

Poverty is a shackle.

Poverty is a choice.

None of the above

call pain

call happiness

call a lot


call freedom

None of the above

Eating, drinking, being rich and poor.

Eating, drinking, and loving, to amour.

Eating, drinking, and loving, was his amour.

Eating, drinking, being merry, you're.

Eating and drinking, showed his gallant grandeur.

None of the above

You don't care if your clothes get ruined.

You don't care that it's covered with your hair.

You just wipe it away and carry on.

You don't cry or get upset

You don't care when you spill drink on your lap.

None of the above