Title: Monarchy

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How majestic was the throne, so imposing.
And upon it sat the king, in his prime.
A man of great virtue, and good cheer.
His wisdom was unmatched, so sublime.


Is majestic, and i know it.

A thing majestic in itself.

Then, majestic, he.

And a white majestic throne.

So majestic was the throne, so imposing.

None of the above

The king looked out, he was swaying.

It seemed like the world was a stage.

The man sat upon it, he was a god.

And he sat upon it, a king, in his prime.

The king was regal in his attire, aristocratic.

None of the above

To rule, as over all he should have rool'd.

The rule of not too much, by temperance proved.

I've been living by another rule.

That satan, who now, forthwith, to rule.

Is to have no rule at all.

None of the above

That he must rule, or ill thou shouldst be lord.

And the rule is: if the ring is not smashed.

That he must reign, and usurp my throne.

The golden rule, don’t get caught out.

And one, and one—the rule that is—.

None of the above

The king sate upon it, and the heav'ns upon his feet.

He sat there, in his regal robe,

The people adored him, oh how they did.

The king looked out and sat at the world,

His eyes glowed, a halo from his crown.

None of the above

His golden hair swaying in the gentle breeze.

The world was young and bright,

A king who commanded a realm,

His eyes were the color of a deep red sunset,

The throne was a thing of beauty, he was handsome

None of the above

The world is full of beauty.

The beauty and great of the sky.

The beauty he saw in me, and said.

The beauty of thy voice. and the night shall be filled with music.

A woman — all beauty’s loveliness.

None of the above

The king was handsome, and he was smart.

He was a man of great virtue, and good cheer.

He smiled and laughed and drank,

He was the king of all men, in his prime.

His robes were flowing, his hair was long,

None of the above

And in the last analysis of my sufferings and, over time.

At last, at last adieu i'm.

I have a feeling the seafoam, the thyme.

And he sighed for the last time.

The last and cruellest of their crime.

None of the above

The royal thrush sings above the smoky bourbon barrels.

And he the royal, whose crime.

The royal snaffle bit him big time.

A royal rout it was, and just in time.

And a king - but not royal i'm.

None of the above

But his heart was clouded and sad.

He dwelt in a quiet place

He strove to do what was right all the time.

He was a man who never wished to harm

But he was a man of his time.

None of the above

He walked amongst us, with a smile on his face.

His wisdom is unmatched; his heart, a lion.

He walked among us, and he smiled.

He scours the earth, and all its inhabitants.

He would always be the first to help.

None of the above