Title: Reflections of the fight unfought
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The dream of a child is dear.
The hope for good, and conquered fear.
The old man's dream has no such light
Just regrets of a life where he chose not to fight.
The dream of a child is dear.
The hope for good, and conquered fear.
The old man's dream has no such light
Just regrets of a life where he chose not to fight.
The dream of a child is dear.
The hope for good, and conquered fear.
The old man's dream has no such light
Just regrets of a life where he chose not to fight.
The dream of a child is dear.
The hope of glory, the hope that conquered fear.
And, if i dream a dream, you'll be there.
And in the dream, in order to ward off evil.
And in the dream i see the other one.
I've dream'd many a dream.
The dream of a child is dear.
None of the above
The hope of a lifetime, and we're.
Is hope. and hope is the thing that is clear.
Is this the hope of the year.
I saw a thousand things in that year.
The hope of glory, the hope that conquered fear.
None of the above
The old have their charms.
The old have their excuses ready.
And he who is old, but still a youth.
The world is grey, the mountains old.
I'm old, i have seen it all, but never in my life.
None of the above
Being old is a gift.
Being old is a burden.
Being old is a curse.
Being old is a snare.
Being old is a relic.
None of the above
And, when he was old.
And he is old, but i am not old.
The old man, with his hair white as snow.
And he who, when a man, twenty years old.
The old man's head is fashioned of fine gold.
None of the above
I'd rather have a drink than fight.
I'm well equipped for a street fight.
I am armed for the fight.
I am soldier, and this is my fight.
Then, with a frown, he snatched his sword to fight.
None of the above
Without the regret i felt after the fight.
I regret not giving you a hand in your fight.
The regret you felt after the fight.
Is it worth it to live a life of struggle and fight.
And the regret i felt when he chose not to fight.
None of the above