Title: The Good Life

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Then, i too, will taste the good life.
I'll be happy with my own.
I'll be happy with a life that's not tainted
With all the lies that society spouts


The tumult of life, and then i saw him.

Then, i too, will taste the good life.

And the life-giving water of mercy.

And a drowsy half-life on earth.

Of the lord, the first cradle of life.

None of the above

I'll be happy with my own.

I'll be a successful businessman.

But, alas, i cannot tame my lust.

I will have a wife and children.

And i will no longer be alone.

None of the above

I'll be happy with a life that's not tainted

I'm not a cynic, I know what I like.

And I'll be happy with my life.

You can go to hell.

I don't want your happiness.

None of the above

With the scumbag stench of a tainted soul

With the lies that the world tells

With the stench of tainted people

With lies that I'm ashamed of

With lies, deceit, and lies again.

None of the above

With all the lies that society spouts

I'll be happy with an end to this pain

With the lies of the world.

With the stench of a cigarette in my mouth

I'll be happy without you in my life

None of the above